Olivier Borkowski obtained his PhD in 2013 working on the link between growth rate and protein production in bacteria using a systems biology approach under the supervision of Dr. S. Aymerich, Dr. V. Fromion and Prof. M. Jules. After his PhD, he used synthetic biology approaches to couple cell physiology and protein production using molecular logic gates (at Stanford, USA, with Prof. D. Endy), worked on cell-free protein production methods (at Imperial College London, UK, with Prof. T. Ellis), developed methods linking cell-free and machine learning to maximize in vitro protein production (at Genopole in Evry, France, with Prof. J.L. Faulon), and implemented automation approaches in biology and optogenetic tools for the design of synthetic circuits in yeast (at the Pasteur Institute, France, with Dr. G. Batt). In 2021, he took the position of INRAE Researcher and his current research at Micalis with Prof. M. Jules focuses on the use of cell-free methods to access transcriptional landscapes of non-cultivable organisms from the gut microbiota.
From his PhD to his current project, his research activities have focused on the intertwined relationships between protein production and cell growth resulting from the optimization of resource allocation in bacteria and yeast.