Engineering school & Faculties

Scientists from our unit play a key role in designing and leading various teaching modules within the schools and faculties of the University of Paris-Saclay


AgroParisTech is a distinguished institution, renowned both nationally and globally, that has nurtured strong academic communities for nearly two centuries, aiming to educate future professionals in the fields of life sciences and the environment.

Offering Masters of Engineering across 21 different specialties, AgroParisTech is a leader in higher education and research. Professors and assistant professors affiliated with Micalis contribute to two of AgroParisTech’s five educational and research departments: Life and Health Sciences (SVS) and Science and Engineering for Food and Bioproducts (SPAB). They also oversee two Master specialties within these departments in basic microbiology, synthetic biology and biotechnology.

Track programs led by Micalis scientists​:

Pharmacy Faculty

Teacher-researchers from the Faculty of Pharmacy teach students of the pharmaceutical course in semiology or microbiology. Topics covered in microbiology include fundamental and medical bacteriology, the use of antibiotics, mechanisms of action of antibiotics and mechanisms of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, vaccinology, but also industrial microbiology (e.g. microbiological controls of drugs). In semiology and initiation to pathology, the subjects are the main pathologies and their diagnostic and therapeutic management. Integrating pathophysiological, epidemiological, clinical and diagnostic aspects of pathologies, semiology allows a better understanding of the central function of the drug in the therapeutic process.

While adhering to the official program, we have introduced additional courses focusing on microbiology topics, such as the role of the human microbiota in health. This includes over 2,500 hours of instruction from the second to the sixth year of pharmacy studies, delivered through lectures (annual classes of 300 students) and smaller group sessions, including tutorials, practical work, and tutored projects.

A notable tutored project is the national “service sanitaire” program, where health students (pharmacy, medical, physiotherapy, and midwifery) engage in public health awareness campaigns. The BaPS team is actively involved in two microbiology-related topics: vaccination and the prevention of infectious diseases and antibiotic resistance. We enhance students’ training prior to their public interventions, which range from middle and high school visits to exhibitions during Antimicrobial Resistance Week, and creating educational games for diverse audiences.

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