
Cell-Free Biofoundry

The CF-Biofoundry platform is dedicated to the production of enzymes and therapeutic proteins as well as for the detection of biomarkers (clinical or environmental) using transcriptional and translational devices and optimized by new methods of machine learning.

Joan Hérisson

Operational manager

Jean-Loup Faulon

Scientific manager

Olivier Borkowski

Scientific manager

Based on a solid expertise in biofoundry construction, artificial intelligence, cell-free production using alternative strains to E. coli, and in strain engineering to optimize cell-free efficiency for specific applications, the CF-Biofoundry is dedicated to the production and functional screening of enzymes and therapeutic proteins as well as for the detection of biomarkers (clinical or environmental) using transcriptional and translational devices.

To optimize the productivity of cell-free systems and reduce the variability between batches, the CF-Biofoundry proposes to standardize the preparation of extracts by finding the optimum composition of energy buffers and genetic materials in order maximize the transcription and translation processes from linear or plasmid DNA. From E. coli cell extracts to other strains (purified components, bacteria, yeast and mammals), CF-Biofoundry uses new AI methods such as active learning and reinforcement learning to maximize reproducibility between batches and optimize the transcription process.


The Cell-Free Biofoundry is part of the Paris Distributed Biofoundry of the DIM BioConvS.

Team members



Jean-Loup FAULON

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