
Bacterial Communication

The team « Communication Bactérienne » (ComBac) conducts fundamental and applied researches on lactic acid bacteria, especially Streptococcus and Lactococcus. We are interested in understanding their adaptative responses to their various ecosystems including food matrices, intestinal microbiota and host, and how these responses impact their environment using different approaches (microbiology, genetics, biochemistry, genomics and post-genomics, including peptidomics).



Research axis

S. thermophilus in a food matrix (SEM - ©T. Meylheuc, MiMa2, INRAE)
S. thermophilus in a food matrix (SEM – ©T. Meylheuc, MiMa2, INRAE)

Human nutrition is faced to new challenges including food transition to promote a more sustainable food production system. Fermented foods are particularly relevant to meet these challenges, and especially foods of plant origin. In this context, we are investigating the physiology and metabolic activity of the two main lactic acid bacteria traditionally used in dairy fermentation, namely S. thermophilus and L.  lactis, in the frame of these plant-based fermentations. We are mainly focusing on the fermentation of legumes, which are nutritionally relevant, particularly in terms of protein richness, and which play a key role in the agro-ecological protein transition.

Team focuses on:

  1. understanding how these bacteria adapt to legumes in comparison to traditional dairy ones;
  2. analyzing how bacterial activities modify the composition of the food matrix, thereby influencing its properties;
  3. assessing the impact of the matrix modification on the organoleptic and nutritional properties of the food.
Interactions of Streptococcus salivarius with host intestinal epithelial cells (Electron microscopy by Rhode M ., Germany).
Interactions of Streptococcus salivarius with host intestinal epithelial cells (Electron microscopy by Rhode M ., Germany).

Streptococci from the salivarius group are present in all the sections of the human gastrointestinal tract (GIT), such as Streptococcus salivarius, but are also transiently present after consumption of fermented foods such as Streptococcus thermophilus (and also Lactococcus). We are investigating the health beneficial effects of these species (i) at the cellular or molecular scales through their bacterial surface components or the metabolite produced and (ii) in food matrices for food-related species.

The aim of this axis is to decipher the interaction with the host of commensal or food-related streptococci, living in or transiting through human gut.

Team focuses on:

  1. elucidating the mode of action of strains and specific metabolite excreted by Streptococcus salivarius on the regulation of inflammation and glycemia;
  2. identifying surface components of S. salivarius with health-promoting properties;
  3. assessing the impact of fermented matrices especially vegetables, containing food-related bacteria, on the intestinal microbiota and host health.

Bacteria-bacteria interactions - ComBac We are working at identifying and characterizing cell-cell communication and regulation systems known as quorum sensing systems in streptococci and lactococci. These systems are based on paired peptides and transcriptional regulators. Team focuses on regulators of the Rgg family and peptides known as SHPs.  Deciphering their functional mechanisms makes it possible to conceive new methods to control the functions they exert, such as bacterial competence or antimicrobial production.

Team focuses on:

  1. deciphering the SHP/Rgg equipment of streptococci, using S. thermophilus as a model: mechanistic approach, cross talk within the systems, expression conditions, identification of the genes they control and their physiological function;
  2. analyzing the short ORFs of S. thermophilus and L. lactis: in silico prediction, production analysis through a peptidomic approach, functional analysis

Team members


Séverine LAYEC


Nathanael MAILLOT

Christine DELORME



Christine MEZANGE


Françoise RUL

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  • Liste à puce
  • Liste à puce

Key points

  • Rul F, Béra-Maillet C, Champomier-Vergès MC, El-Mecherfi KE, Foligné B, Michalski MC, Milenkovic D, Savary-Auzeloux I. (2022). Underlying evidence for the health benefits of fermented foods in humans. Food Funct 10;13(9):4804-4824. doi: 10.1039/d1fo03989j. 
  • Boulay M, Al Haddad M, Rul F. (2020). Streptococcus thermophilus growth in soya milk: Sucrose consumption, nitrogen metabolism, soya protein hydrolysis and role of the cell-wall protease PrtS. Int J Food Microbiol. Dec 16;335:108903. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2020.108903.
  • Proust L, Haudebourg E, Sourabié A, Pedersen M, Besançon I, Monnet V, Juillard V (2020) Multi-omics approach reveals how yeast extract peptides shape Streptococcus thermophilus metabolism. Appl Environ Microbiol 86, e01446-20. doi: 10.1128/ AEM.01446-20.
  • Lingeswaran A, Metton C, Henry C, Monnet V, Juillard V, Gardan R (2020) Export of Rgg quorum sensing peptides is mediated by the pptAB ABC transporter in Streptococcus thermophilus strain LMD-9. Genes 11, 1096. doi: 10.3390/genes11091096.
  • Guillot A, Boulay M, Chambellon E, Gitton C, Monnet V, Juillard V (2016) Mass spectrometry analysis of the extracellular peptidome of Lactococcus lactis: lines of evidence for the co-existence of extracellular protein hydrolysis and intracellular peptide excretion. J Prot Res 15, 3214-3224. doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.6b00424
  • Couvigny B., Kulakauskas S., Pons N., Quinquis B., Abraham A.L., Meylheuc T., Delorme C., Renault P., Briandet R., Lapaque N., Guedon E. (2018). Identification of new factors modulating adhesion abilities of the pioneer commensal bacterium Streptococcus salivarius. Front. Microbiol. 9, 273. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00273.


All the team publications are available in the COMBAC-MICALIS HAL collection


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