Directly reporting to the laboratory management, under the responsibility of the Administrator, the Administrative and Financial Service is tasked with the preparation, execution, and monitoring of Micalis’ budget in a “multi-supervisory” environment. It provides administrative, financial, and logistical support to the unit’s research activities and serves as the interface between the central services of INRAE, AgroParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay, and funding organizations.
The administrative service is organized into 4 poles, consisting of 11 agents under the responsibility of the administrator.
The Micalis-Media Preparation Facility is designed to meet the needs of all Micalis teams. The team prepares routine culture media, and can prepare culture media on request. The facility also prepares solutions (buffers, sugars, ….). It is responsible for washing and sterilizing glassware and manages biosafety levels 1 and 2 biological waste. Finally, media, solutions and equipment are distributed throughout 3 buildings in display cabinets made available to experimenters.
The “Prépa-Laverie” team working on the 3 buildings of the Micalis unit is currently made up of 9 members.
Directly attached to the management of the laboratory, the IT Department is responsible for the preparation of workstations, the data management of Micalis infrastructure and services in a mutual environment.