Marie-Agnès PETIT

Present position: DynPhage team leader in the  Micalis institute, Research director at INRAE. Key words Bacteriophage, comparative genomics and phage genome annotations, intestinal phages, viromes, mice models with controlled microbiota, phages infecting Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium, Roseburia intestinalis, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii. Phage team presentation, scientific goals: The DynPhage team is part of the INRAE institute, a French government agency aiming at developing researches in the fields of agriculture, food and environment. It is located in the Micalis department, grouping over 350 experts in the field of microbiology for food and health, and sharing platforms and facilities for growing pathogens, anaerobes, high through put analyses, electron microscopy, axenic mice, among others. As of March 2024, the team itself includes 8 members, including 3 permanent researchers and 2 permanent technicians. The aims of the team are to characterize i) the dynamics of phages and their impact on their hosts in different food- and gut-related environments, and ii) the molecular basis underlying these dynamics. A recent topic aims to extend the infection capabilities of phages of therapeutic interest through directed evolution approaches. For this, we combine in silico, in vivo and in vitro approaches. Diploma: 2001 HDR Université Paris XI. 1988 Doctorate in Microbiology (INAPG school). 1984 Engineer diploma from the agronomic school INAPG. Scientific carrier: 2011 Hired as Research director for INRAE. 2010 Creation of the ‘phage genomes dynamics’  team, within the Micalis department. 2004 Research associate at INRAE, Jouy en Josas, Lactic Bacteria unit comparative genomics of bacteria, structural DNA motifs analysis. 2001 Sabbatical year at INSERM, Necker, unit  U571 Mosaïcism of bacteriophage genomes. 1992 Research associate  at INRAE, Génétique Microbienne unit of Jouy en Josas Transposition, DNA helicases and genome stability. 1990 Post-doctoral period : 2 years at UC Berkeley, H. Echols laboratory Large genome rearrangements in E. coli, heat shock proteins and PolV of E. coli. 1984


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Team members


Quentin NUGIER


Caroline HENROT



Olivier SON

Elisabeth MONCAUT

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