I started my academic education in the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, in my hometown of Vila Real, Portugal, in Genetics and Biotechnology. I have a Master degree in Oncology from the University of Porto (Portugal) and a master degree in Clinical Laboratory Genetics from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra (Portugal).
I then pursued a research path by moving to the microbiology field where I’ve participated with a research fellow named “Targeting cell wall glycosylation: an innovative antimicrobial strategy against Gram-positive pathogens” in Didier Cabanes group (Molecular Microbiology at i3s, Portugal). I’m doing my PhD entitled “Targeting cell wall glycosylation to disarm and sensitize Enterococcus faecalis” in the same group at i3s, Portugal and Micallis institute.