Jasmina VIDIC

I am dedicated to the development of new types of biosensors for the analysis of bacteria, membranes, proteins, and DNA. My experience includes designing SPR immunosensors for pathogens such as the influenza virus, prion proteins, and various odor molecules. I have also created electrochemical biosensors using DNA probes, aptamers, and antibodies to detect and monitor pathogens, including the hepatitis A virus, the influenza virus, Bacillus cereus, Campylobacter, and Staphylococcus aureus. Currently, my research focuses on detecting bacterial pathogens in foods, such as milk and meat, as well as in water.

Additionally, I am involved in projects in nanobiotechnology, including the development of bimetallic oxide nanoparticles with antibacterial and antioxidant properties for smart food packaging. I am also working on nanostructured surfaces aimed at amplifying optical signals, such as chemiluminescence and fluorescence.

Projet coordinations:

ANR-21-CE21-0009 SIENA (2021-2025) ; MICA 2024 Vélib (2024-2025) ; EUGLOH Paris-Saclay (2024-2025) ; DIM1Health 2021 (2022-2025) ; ECHO, Bioprobe, Paris-Saclay (2024-2025) ; Poc in Labs « SporeAlert » 2022-2023 ; Campus France, “Passoa” (2020-2021); Campus France, “Galilée” (2017); Poc in Labs « Oscar » (2019-2021); Campus France, “BioAsia2016” (2016-2017); ANR-15-MRSE-0028 « SENSAIV » (2015-2017); PHC “Barrande” (2013- 2014); PHC “Pavle Savic” (2010-2011).


H2020 European project IPANEMA (2020-2025) ; EuropeHorizon MOBILES (2024-2028) ; ANR-21-CE42-0008 ELISE (2021-2025).

HAL jasmina-vidic

Jasmina Vidic

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