Jean-Loup FAULON Head of he BRS (Retro Synthetic Biology) team. jean-loup-faulon Share with Bio-RetroSynth, Cell-Free, Galaxy SynBioCAD Scientist Contact mail Building 442, INRAE Campus, Jouy-en-Josas +33(0)134652771 Share with Team members Neha TRIPATHI Scientist Danilo DURSONIAH Scientist Anchita SHARMA PhD student Shreyas PARKHIE PhD student Mostafa Mahdy KHALIL Engineer Bastien MOLLET Olivier BORKOWSKI Scientist Aisha ELSAWAH Engineer Paul AHAVI PhD student Thomas DUIGOU Engineer Matthias FÜGGER Scientist Guillaume GRICOURT Engineer Joan HERISSON Engineer Ioana Grigoras-Popescu Scientist An HOANG Engineer Maud HOFMANN PhD student Manish KUSHWAHA Scientist Philippe MEYER Scientist Abhinav PUJAR PhD student Thomas NOWAK Scientist