Nathalie Laforge joined the SyBER team in 2020, working on the development of methodologies for multiplex genome engineering in Bacillus subtilis. In 2021, she began her PhD under the supervision of Dr. Anne-Gaëlle Planson and Prof. Matthieu Jules, focusing on synthetic consortia.
Her goal is to better understand microbial interactions, particularly the division of labor. Within natural ecosystems, microorganisms live in communities and interact with each other. By shaping the composition, stability, and functionality of ecosystems, microbial interactions are fundamental building blocks of these communities. However, the mechanisms governing these interactions remain largely unknown. One way to study these mechanisms is through the rational design of interactions in model organisms. Nathalie’s project aims to construct B. subtilis synthetic consortia exhibiting obligate mutualistic interactions based on amino acid cross-feeding. Such interactions could allow for the distribution of metabolic tasks between individuals (i.e., division of labor).