Nicolas Lapaque defended his PhD in 2004 at the CIML in J.P. Gorvel’s laboratory. He worked as a post-doctoral fellow at University of Cambridge in Prof. Trowsdale’s laboratory until 2010. The projects he developed were focused on the interactions between host and pathogens with a special focus on both the cellular microbiology and innate immune aspects of this field. In 2010, he joined the INRAE Micalis institute as a senior researcher to develop new research programs on the study of the host/commensal bacteria crosstalk. Since 2021, he is a director of research at INRAE and leads, the team “Functionality of the intestinal Ecosystem”, composed of 20 people, studying the mechanisms of host-microbes symbiosis by immunology, cellular biology, anaerobic microbiology, animal models and metagenomic approaches.
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