Patricia Lepage, PhD-HDR, is a microbiologist and microbial ecologist, Research Director (DR2) and head of the PhylHom team “Physiology and Phylogeny of the Human Microbiome”. She did both her PhD and postdoctoral fellowship research on gut microbiota dysbiosis in inflammatory bowel diseases (PhD in Joël Dore´s group, UEPSD, Ecology and Physiology of the Digestive Tract, INRAE, Jouy-en-Josas, France and Postdoc in Stefan Schreiber´s group, ICMB, Institute for Clinical Molecular Biology, Christian Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany), with particular focus on the mucosa-associated microbiota and its crosstalk with the host. She has expertise in the functional characterization and modulation of human gut microbiome using multidisciplinary -omics approaches and its impact on health. She also investigates the role of the microbiome in food, drug and treatment responses (nutritional therapies, dietary supplementation, immunotherapy, anti-epilectic etc).