Patrick Veiga is a Research Director at MICALIS, where he co-pilots the transversal research theme called Alibiote, which aims to foster research initiatives dedicated to investigate the interplay between food, fermented foods, and microbiomes. Additionally, Patrick serves as deputy Scientific Director at MetaGenoPolis Unit, where he leads the nutrition research program of Le French Gut ( Prior to these roles, he held the position of Scientific Director at Danone Nutricia Research, where he led and participated in research programs exploring the intricate relationship between diet, probiotics, gut microbiome, and gut health. During his career, he had the opportunity to work abroad in the Netherlands, China, and the USA, where he spent 3 years as a visiting scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health. Patrick has co-authored 28 peer-reviewed scientific publications, some of which have been published in high-profile journals such as PNAS, Nature Communications, Nature, and Science.