Research Director at INRA, Rut heads the ProCeD team. She also animates the Systems and Synthetic Microbiology (MSS) research pillars and is Deputy-Director of the Micalis Institute.
Rut received her PhD from the University of Oxford, UK, where she was instrumental in the landmark discovery that bacteria possess homologues of eukaryotic actin, namely MreB proteins, that control cell shape, which was to be re-investigated in light of this dogma-changing discovery and which has been at the core of Rut’s research since. She has traditionally given emphasis to multidisciplinary approaches and to the development and application of cutting-edge fluorescence microscopy techniques to bacterial cells. One of her most exciting prospects is the possibility to follow in real time the dynamics at play in recruiting, assembling, maintaining, and ultimately disassembling bacterial cell surface and subcellular structures.
If you too are driven by the thirst for discovery and the passion for research of spatiotemporal relationships in the infinite complexity of the ‘simple’ bacterial cells, and you would like to join our lab, feel free to contact me no matter what your background field is (biology, physics, chemistry, computer science…). Tell me what your interests are, and what projects you would like to work on. We welcome fresh ideas, organisms, approaches and out of the box thinkers!