Séverine Layec is an associate professor in microbial ecology at AgroParisTech. Since 2021, she carries out her research at UMR 1319 MICALIS, within the ComBac team. Her work aims at understanding the molecular mechanisms of the adaptive response of commensal bacteria to their environment, including the microbiota and the host, using genomic and post-genomic approaches.
Her research focuses on three main areas:
- Identification of S. salivarius surface components involved in glycemic regulation;
- Understanding and characterization of the molecular mechanisms of streptococcal and lactococcal strains involved in host inflammatory and immune responses;
- Identification of the adaptive factors of S. salivarius in its different environments (gut microbiota, oral cavity).
This better understanding of the interactions between commensal bacteria and the host opens new perspectives for the treatment of metabolic diseases
Skills and expertise:
Microbial physiology; Bacteria /Hosts Cross-talks; Cell envelop; Cell surface proteins; Shaving; Comparative genomics; Functional genomics (transcriptomics, proteomics); Bacterial genetics