Post-doc position in yeast synthetic biology

The project will be carried out in the research team “Cosynus” led by Tristan Rossignol and Young-Kyoung Park in Micalis institute, in the synthetic and system biology division. The team is focused on synthetic consortia for microbial cell factories and has strong expertise in the synthetic biology of the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica which has high potential as an industrial chassis. Microbial cell factories are regarded as a promising alternative for petrochemical-based production or plant-derived extraction. We are particularly focused on terpenes and dyes bioproduction.

microbial dyes still face less stability and higher production costs compared to synthetic dyes, which limits their industrial exploitation. Moreover, the origin and cost of substrates for bioconversion remains a bottleneck for sustainable, robust and cost effective bioproduction. In this context, the YaLiGreen ANR project aims to produce a green dye (prodeoxyviolacein) by a modified strain of Y. lipolytica. In the frame of the YaliGreen project the successful candidate will develop a strain boosted for the prodeoxyviolacein biosynthesis pathway and develop genetic engineering strategy to improve growth and bioproduction in culture media based on industrial by-products for fermentation.

You will be in charge of:

  • Genetic engineering of Yarrowia lipolytica by using synthetic biology tools (Golden gate assembly, CRISPR, etc.)
  • Growth analysis at different scales (microplates, flasks, etc)
  • Analytic measurements of substrates and dyes (HPLC)
  • Training of master students

The Micalis unit is a restricted area, and recruitment is subject to validation by the Ministry.

Contact: Tristan ROSSIGNOL & Young-Kyoung PARK

Offer reference OT-23233:

  • Contract: Postdoctoral position
  • Duration: 16 mois
  • Beginning: 01/03/2025
  • Deadline: 20/12/2024

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Synthetic communities and microbial cell factories - COSYNUS

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