Pr Erwan Poupon and Pr Mehdi Bennidir – 07/05/2025

Exploring natural products diversity and complexity

The presentation will explore cutting-edge developments in natural product chemistry, addressing the challenges of elucidating their incredible and fascinating diversity and complexity through (bio)chemical and evolutionary lenses. It will highlight innovative approaches in data mining and metabolomics to decode intricate biosynthetic pathways. We will discuss how these tools bridge gaps in understanding molecular aspects of natural product chemical spaces wether they may come from microorganisms, plants or animals (marine invertebrate for example).


Short bio

Erwan Poupon is full Professor of natural product chemistry and drugs of natural origin at Université Paris-Saclay. His research work encompasses multiple aspects of natural product chemistry, particularly focusing on questions surrounding molecular diversity and complexity and their emergence.

Mehdi Beniddir is full professor of natural product chemistry at the School of Pharmacy at Université Paris-Saclay. His research focuses on the discovery and structural elucidation of complex natural products from plants, marine invertebrates, and microorganisms, employing dereplication approaches based on mass spectrometry and artificial intelligence.


Laboratory of the speaker

BioCIS (Biomolécules : conception, isolement, synthèse (BioCIS)


Invited by

research axis, Claire JANOIR and Thomas CANDELA

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